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The Keepsake Sisters

The Keepsake Sisters Book Cover The Keepsake Sisters
Moonglow Cove
Lori Wilde
William Morrow
February 23, 2021
Free from publisher

It was a story that couldn’t possibly be true: Identical twins, separated at birth. Anna Drury wouldn’t have believed it, but the woman standing before her was physically like her in every way…and held in her hands a keepsake baby bracelet, the same as Anna had. How could it be?

Anna—with her tall, strong husband and two adorable children, grew up loved and secure, and she freely opens her heart to others, so she embraces the idea of her new-found sister, Amelia. Everyone tells Anna to tread carefully, but Amelia is family, she sees it in the other woman’s face and knows it in the depth of her soul. And family should always be welcome.

Once the shock settles and the dust clears, the sisters learn about each other as they unravel the secrets of their past and separation. Anna wants to believe that life with her new-found sister will be perfect, but just as they are bonding in a special way, Amelia reveals the true reason for their reunion. Her kidneys are failing, and Anna could be her perfect match.

But if Anna agrees to her request it might threaten everything she holds dear, her marriage, her health…even her life. Faced with this dilemma, Anna must ask herself a hard question, how far will she go to help her twin, the woman who is her other half…and a woman she doesn’t really know?

My review:

I was a bit worried going into this one that it would be a romance novel, and those can be tricky for me. I was pleasantly surprised that is not what I got at all! Instead I got a set of identical twins separated at birth (the reader is privy to what happened, the families are not) who reunite thanks to a DNA test and the fact that one of them needs a kidney. What ensues is a story about family reconnection, a mystery of how the separation could have happened, and the feelings of those not so sure about the reunion (specifically twin Anna's husband). What I liked was the premise of this book, I'm a sucker for reunion stories between siblings. I liked the way the girls had to try and figure out what happened the night they were born, and I loved that this is the first book I've read that mentions the Covid-19 pandemic. What I wasn't crazy about was the husband Kevin, who was a boorish pain, and was probably only her husband because they were high school sweethearts and she didn't know any better! The ending was also a bit of a let down in that it was just too tidy, especially when it came to said boorish husband!

This is what I like to call a palate cleanser, a book to read after you've delved into some heavy subjects and just need a feel good family story with a tidy ending. And no overt romance, which is always a plus in my book 🙂

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